Is Your Website Underperforming?

Can I Build My Own Website?

Have you Thought About Building Your Website By Yourself?

People often ask us: Can I build my own website? We always answer: Absolutely, you can! Popular website builders like Squarespace and Wix have made DIY websites easier than ever. You can usually find templates to use so you don’t have to start from scratch. There are tons of tutorials on YouTube and all over the Internet that will help you along the way. Some people might wonder why anyone would pay a web designer thousands of dollars to build a website anymore when there are so many cost-effective tools out there.

Think About Building Your Own Website In A Different Way

Let’s think about it in a different way, by asking another question: Can I remodel my own bathroom? Absolutely, I can! Do I know anything about remodeling a bathroom? No, but again — there are plenty of tutorials online! I’m sure I can figure it out if I research and try hard enough. When I’m done I may (or may not) be totally happy with the finished product. Regardless, I can definitely say that I saved money, earned bragging rights, and the job is done. Now, fast forward six months or a year and I may start to discover issues that I didn’t know about at the time of construction. Some of those issues could probably have been avoided if I’d hired a remodeling expert with years of experience who could get all of the details right from the beginning. Other issues may be a result of my amateur work, which has simply eroded over time. Or maybe I nailed it and I still have a beautiful, functioning bathroom that I’m completely happy with!

What Matters More When Building Your Website?

What matters in these situations is your endgame. Do you care more about saving money, getting things done cheap, or being able to say that you did it yourself? Or do you care more about quality and making sure the job is done right from the beginning? Hint: there is no wrong answer! So when people ask us if they can build their own website, we say absolutely you can! The real question is: do you want to?

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